24 Initiatives have been taken by us
Guide persons with visual impairment to start their business. Volunteers will be required to carryout following activities: How persons with visual im...

We need volunteer toEvaluate our computer course & various knowledge sessions conducted by us. We do have feedback form & attendance sheets, u...

We wish to redesign our website and add few more features to it. Volunteers can work as a team to get the website designed, developed and test it for ...

We need volunteer toEvaluate our computer course & various knowledge sessions conducted by us. We do have feedback form & attendance sheets, u...

We need help with making reports for our various ongoing projects and a consolidated annual report, which can be published on our website and at other...

We require volunteers who can Guide us to create a strategy for brand building of our organization & its projects.Help us with tools or ways to create...

We need to design various marketing pitch, which can be used in our verbal & written communication.Pitching our courses & events to blind stud...

We need volunteer toEvaluate our computer course & various knowledge sessions conducted by us. We do have feedback form & attendance sheets, u...

We need to design various marketing pitch, which can be used in our verbal & written communication. Pitching our courses & events to blind s...

Guide persons with visual impairment to start their business. Volunteers will be required to carryout following activities: How persons with...

Guide persons with visual impairment to start their business. Volunteers will be required to carryout following activities: How persons with visual im...

Guide persons with visual impairment to start their business. Volunteers will be required to carryout following activities: How persons with v...

We require volunteers who canGuide us to create a strategy for brand building of our organization & its projects.Help us with tools or ways to cre...

We wish to redesign our website and add few more features to it. Volunteers need to get the website designed, developed and test it for its accessibil...

We need volunteer toEvaluate our computer course & various knowledge sessions conducted by us. We do have feedback form & attendance sheets, u...

We require volunteers who can Guide us to create a strategy for brand building of our organization & its projects.Help us with tools or ways to ...

We need to design various marketing pitch, which can be used in our verbal & written communication. Pitching our courses & events to blind student...

We need to design various marketing pitch, which can be used in our verbal & written communication. Pitching our courses & events to blind s...

We need help with making reports for our various ongoing projects and a consolidated annual report, which can be published on our website and at other...

We require volunteers who can Guide us to create a strategy for brand building of our organization & its projects.Help us with tools or ways to ...

We wish to redesign our website and add few more features to it. Volunteers need to get the website designed, developed and test it for its accessibil...

We wish to redesign our website and add few more features to it. Volunteers need to get the website designed, developed and test it for its accessibil...

We need help with making reports for our various ongoing projects and a consolidated annual report, which can be published on our website and at other...

We need help with making reports for our various ongoing projects and a consolidated annual report, which can be published on our website and at other...