About us
Vision :-
Uva Jagriti Sansathan imagines such a nation and society, where every citizen of any type will be educated and developed, women become empowered.
To Work for providing people Digital & Skill Literacy and give them other services conducted by the Government to make them empowered.
To work to promote self-reliant women self-help group & their federation, farmer organization, FPO and village development committees to utilize their full potential for achieving sustainable development and inclusive growth
Salient Features-
1. Qualitative approach
2. Gender equality and social awareness
3. Self-reliance
4 Transparency and accountability
5. Innovation
Core Areas-
1. Promote youths for nation building
2. Promote Nature Conservation and plantation
3. Promote sustainable livelihoods
4. Capacitate self-help and livelihoods promoting institutions both in rural and urban area.
5. Enhanced partnership, collaborations and alliances for linking learning up-scaling

Causes we work on
- Education
- Environment
- Health Care
- Skill Development & Livelihood
- Social Business
- Water & Sanitation
- Women
Awards won
- 1 District Administration Award
- Alwar Award for Endeavours and support in the field of Education in the District Alwar by District Collector 2 Certificate from Sub Divisional Magistrate Award for outstanding service in the field of Bachao Beti Padhao and SBM.3Award from Krishi vigyan kendra Award from outstanding service in the field of Agriculture for rural women. 4 Award Received from NABARD- Award for Endeavours and support in Women empowerment activity. 5 Thanks Letter - Thanks from Child development project officer for Toys Bank and Child Entrance festival under Anganwari chalo Abhiyan. 6 Admiration Certificate - Certificate from Panchayat Samiti
- Bansur for outstanding work in the field of ODF activity for Bansur block of Alwar District (Raj.) 7 Appreciation certificate - Certificate from SMS Hospital for organize Blood donation camp for Poor and needy people. 8 National Level Skotch Award- Award from Skotch organization for outstanding work for Women empowerment activity
Why work with us
Promote youths for nation building-
Joined13th Mar, 2019
Employees Involved20
Volunteers Working with us250
NGO URLhttp://www.ujsindia.org
Contact Details
- Uva Jagriti Sansthan In Front of Gram Panchyat Bansur Alwar Rajasthan pin 301402
- 9950414310
- ujsbansur@gmail.com