About us
A group of young and enthusiastic youngsters joined together in the year 1980 and decided to set up a common platform by rendering selfless humanitarian services to the society and Nation. They have called their platform as ’THE SERVE INDIA’As days proceed The Serve India in conformity with its mandate has emerged as a service oriented and service-innovative social entity.
During the last 36 years, The Serve India has implemented multifarious projects; most of them are innovative, result-oriented and contains humanitarian agenda. Our multifaceted social activities provide and highlighted the successful partnership with Government, Quasi Governmental Institutes, Philanthropists and noble-minded well-wishers.
Our efforts are to create awareness of employment with particular focus on labor intensive sectors with utmost priority to women empowerment, poverty alleviation and sustainable employment. We do believe that rural poverty alleviation can be successfully tackled led only if there are a large number of diversified employment opportunities for the rural unemployed. This alone will pave the way for improvement in the economic conditions of the people at the bottom most layer and to achieve our goal. We are trying our level best to unlock the doors of all the agencies.
Our Vision:
To uplift the down-trodden people in all aspects such as social, cultural, health, educational, economical and make them as good citizens of India, pursuing our paramount slogan: Of the people by the People and for the people.
Our Mission:
Making our targeted people lives on renaissance towards peaceful atmosphere with social, economic and heath development equally to other developed people in all respects through all proposed activities and functions based on cherished values of justice, equality, public interest, service participation and collective accountability and pumping into contemporary code.

Causes we work on
- Arts, Culture & Sports
- Children & Youth
- Community Development
- Disabled
- Education
- Elderly
- Environment
- Health Care
- Poverty & Hunger
- Reducing Inequality
- Skill Development & Livelihood
- Social Business
- Women
Joined07th Jan, 2019
Employees Involved0
Volunteers Working with us
Contact Details
- 7736516915
- ceo@theserveindia.org