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Reading to the blind with ProjectHeena is a truly rewarding experience. As a volunteer, I get to connect with individuals who need assistance and provide them with the gift of knowledge. By sharing stories, news, and information, I'm able to help people stay connected and engaged with the world around them. It's amazing to see the impact that a small act of kindness can have on someone's life. Through ProjectHeena, I've had the privilege of meeting incredible people and making a difference in their lives. If you're looking for a way to give back to your community, I highly recommend getting involved with  ProjectHeena!"

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Task Statistics

  • Status
    Task is Open
  • Duration(Hours)
    Min: 1   |   Max: 5
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  • People Required
    Min: 1   |   Max: 1
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    This is continuous task, without any start or end date. You can join right away and start doing good.
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Sarah Taylor

My name is Sarah and I am 45 years old. I am a proud mother of two boys and a veteran of the United States Army as a combat medic who served

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