About us
To help and generate training programme for self employment of women and educated unemployed people and to work for adult education .skilled dev training, awareness , csr training?.Ø To fight against exploitation, injustice and corruption if found against any individual, class, community in the society.
Ø To educate the people for adoption of the good norms of a good citizenship and to inculcate into the people's mind, ideals of national unity.
Ø To trained youth in developing skill an entrepreneurship in the field of micro small & village industries.
To work for uplifting the status of women in the society. To work and fight against the victimization of girl /women by anybody in the society on female circumcision or any other related issues
Causes we work on
- Arts, Culture & Sports
- Education
- Skill Development & Livelihood
- Women
Awards won
Why work with us
help and generate training programme for self employment of women and educated unemployed people and to work for adult education .skilled dev training, awareness , csr training.Ø To fight against exploitation, injustice and corruption if found against any individual, class, community in the society.
Ø To educate the people for adoption of the good norms of a good citizenship and to inculcate into the people's mind, ideals of national unity.
Ø To trained youth in developing skill an entrepreneurship in the field of micro small & village industries. To work for uplifting the status of women in the society. To work and fight against the victimization of girl /women by anybody in the society on female circumcision or any other related issues
Joined26th Dec, 2016
Employees Involved10
Volunteers Working with us5
NGO URLhttp://www.deepsociety.in
Contact Details
- Lalkuthipara ( Near Income tax office),p.o-Suri,Dist-Birbhum.West Bengal,India pin code-731101
- 9153001996
- deep_society@rediffmail.com