About us
We have identified and implemented several effective and successful approaches that promote major attitude and behaviour change, which involves strengthening and empowering local resources to bring about sustainable improvements in the health, and education sectors.
“To break the vicious cycle of povertyâ€,
“Every individual to live with pride and dignityâ€,
The organisation’s long-term objectives are:
To increase access to comprehensive healthcare to the medically uninsured and underserved
To empower women and their families to initiate personal and social change
To contribute for reducing miseries by eradication of poverty with focus support on vulnerable
To enrich the knowledge and enhance skills of needy social segments and help them to meet requirements for decent work opportunities
To empower underprivileged people to achieve lifelong success
The main sectors of organisational work in the area of:
Livelihood and Skill Development
Women Empowerment

Causes we work on
- Water & Sanitation
- Welfare of War Veterans
- Contingency
Joined26th May, 2015
Employees Involved35
Volunteers Working with us5
NGO URLhttp://www.sunshinewelfare.org
Contact Details
- Abdul Ghaffar (Admin)
- 163,Phase 3rd Madanpur Khadar J.J.Colony New Delhi-110076
- 9555277739
- sunshinengo@gmail.com