About us
A team of socially committed individuals with several years of various developmental experiences who have been periodically meeting and discussing various issues affecting the poor and oppressed in general women and children in particular, attending and organizing trainings and other need based programs later at one stage realized the need for forming an association with legal entity and undertaking fullfledged programs with systematic planning. Thus emerged “ ASSET “ in the year 2011 even though it has been functioning since 2008. It is the considered opinion of ASSET Trust that unless women the generally neglected, deprived and socially ostracized community are allowed to take part in developmental process and are prepared to upgrade their knowledge, skills and capacities, real development in its truest sense cannot be achieved. Hence all the developmental activities of ASSET TRUST are directed towards fulfilling the desired goals of forming an eqalitarian society based on live, peace and justice where in women too equally enjoy the rights and freedom.

Causes we work on
- Children & Youth
- Community Development
- Disabled
- Education
- Reducing Inequality
- Skill Development & Livelihood
- Women
Joined18th Sep, 2016
Employees Involved0
Volunteers Working with us
Contact Details
- 14 II Floor Muniyandi Koil Lane, Manjanakara Street, Madurai - 625 001 Tamil Nadu, India
- 7708107859
- assetbasha2011@gmail.com