About us
Vision and Mission“We want a world full of laughter and joy for its children.
We want a world that is kind to its children.....”
“By 2020, Sarthak wishes to educate 2000 children (especially girls) living in
slums and villages who do not have access to education due to financial constraints.
Something about us..
• Group of passionate individuals who want to use education as a tool to
bring about a social change.
• Focus on inclusive education and gender parity.
• Started our work in 2013 with just 7 children.
• Currently have more than 800 children through 8 study centres in slums
and villages.
• Initiated a rural pre-primary school in 2017 in village Sonari - Sitapur.
• Work in Uttar Pradesh, most populated state of India and home to 18% of
world’s poor. Poverty here exceeds that of 26 poor African countries. State
with one of the lowest literacy rates.

Causes we work on
- Arts, Culture & Sports
- Children & Youth
- Community Development
- Education
- Reducing Inequality
- Skill Development & Livelihood
Joined12th Oct, 2018
Employees Involved25
Volunteers Working with us18
NGO URLhttp://www.sarthakfoundation.org
Contact Details
- Sarthak Foundation, Near MJ Grand Lawn, Vijyant Khand Gomti Nagar Lucknow
- 8005221482
- social@sarthakfoundation.org