About us
Our Vision: ?????? ???????? ???? ??????????? ! ???????? ????? ???? ????????? !!
Our Mission: Reviving a language, rejuvenating a culture, rebuilding a nation that is Bharat!
Who we are?
- Samskrita Bharati (founded 1981) is a movement for the continuing protection, development and propagation of the Sanskritam language as well as the literature, tradition and the knowledge systems embedded in it.
- Samskrita Bharati is a non-profit organization comprised of a large team of very dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers who take the knowledge of Sanskrit to all sections of society irrespective of race, gender, region, religion, caste, age etc.
- The main All India office is located in New Delhi and there also local offices at the various state capitals, district headquarters and grass root local levels.
- Promote the study of Samskrit and make it accessible to all sections of society.
- Co-ordinate the work with Samskrit institutions worldwide for a more effective and rapid spread of Samskrit.
- Enable activities for research into Samskrit tradition and its knowledge systems like Yoga, Psychology, Arts, Music, Dance, Ayurveda, and other Shastras for development of a harmonious society and individual character.
- Provide support, assistance, stipend, honorarium, pension and other means of supporting social workers, scholars who work for the protection and promotion of Samskrit and its traditions.
- Publish books, magazines, news bulletins, newspapers and leverage all means of communication to spread knowledge and information about Samskrit and its knowledge traditions.
- Help develop endowments and funding mechanisms for activities necessary for the promotion of Samskrit and its knowledge systems.

Causes we work on
- Arts, Culture & Sports
Joined17th Jun, 2020
Employees Involved0
Volunteers Working with us
Contact Details
- Samskrita Bharati, 25, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi, 110002, India.
- 1123236711
- samskritamdelhi@gmail.com