About us
Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled is a National Award winning NGO established in the year 1997 by Founder Managing Trustee Mahantesh G Kivadasannavar and his schoolmate and childhood friend, Late. Nagesh SP. Samarthanam works for the empowerment of persons with disabilities and the underserved. Samarthanam caters to people in need by providing a plethora of services including quality education, accommodation, nutritious food, vocational training, sports and placement based rehabilitation. The initiatives of Samarthanam strive towards creating opportunities for them to keep pace with the rest of the society.Our Mission is to empower visually impaired, disabled and underprivileged people through developmental initiatives focusing on educational, social, economic, cultural and technological aspects.

Causes we work on
- Disabled
Joined30th Jan, 2018
Employees Involved0
Volunteers Working with us
Contact Details
- Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled, #11, Villa Suchita, 1st Cross, 17th A Main, J.P. Nagar II Phase, Bangalore – 560 078
- 9480809590
- corporate_relations@samarthanam.org