ProjectHeena is an online platform where awesome volunteers and experts can connect with people who require their help in doing various projects. Volunteers like Parul help us create a better world and showcase their skills.

Parul Yadav

Awesome Volunteer, Project Heena | Delhi, India

About Me

Elderly people and children and disabled people. they have no one on there side so i want to be with them and it feel right to do so.i used to serve food to people living on footpath whenever i had extra money on my hamd.used to save from my pocket money.i can cook and clean i can also help out children in education i can braid hairs and do normal makeup. I can dance too a lil bit i can write i can entertain people i can sit with them and talk nonstop but also a good listener..we just need to be warm and kind hearted human being and need to feel the pain of others.


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Preferred Cause

Children & Youth Disabled Education Elderly Poverty & Hunger