ProjectHeena is an online platform where awesome volunteers and experts can connect with people who require their help in doing various projects. Volunteers like Maneesha help us create a better world and showcase their skills.

Maneesha Manoharan

Awesome Volunteer, Project Heena | Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

About Me

I would like to volunteer myself for the educational development of this society , mainly for the girls and for those who are financially low to afford to get better education.
I also think that people like us those who have the hearts to help others should reach towards helping the needy one's & this volunteer platform will help me to serve this world to make it better.


Maneesha is yet to Contribute on ProjectHeena. Why not seek help from him/her and ask to collaborate for your task

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Maneesha is yet to Contribute on ProjectHeena. Why not seek help from him/her and ask to collaborate on your task.

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    Maneesha is yet to Contribute. Why not ask him/her to help you
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