Jhatkaa Org

Jhatkaa Org

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

About us

Our Objectives:

Jhatkaa envisions an inclusive, sustainable and equitable India, built and maintained through the democratic power of an engaged citizenry. Our objectives are:

  • To advocate solutions based on 21st century realities defining a development pathway to address the challenges of access to clean water, food and air, ensuring enforcement of existing human rights laws, supporting implementation of a new education system and ensuring sufficient checks and balances to tackle corruption.
  • To mobilize millions of people from all over India to weigh in on decisions for different issues.
  • To make the powerful accountable, targeting the behaviour of governments, political parties, corporations and cultural institutions.
  • To transform the public narrative on citizenship and democracy so that people no longer accept corruption and our social problems as inevitable and instead understand their role in shifting systems to make our democracy functional.

Causes we work on

  • Health Care
  • Water & Sanitation
  • Women

Why work with us

Join Jhatkaa.org!

Jhatkaa is a Bangalore-based NGO that leverages digital technology to help citizens like you take action to solve the various social issues we face.

We aim to build collective citizen power across India, uniting people across region, religion, caste, class and sexual orientation to hold decision makers accountable to the common good — a dream that is only possible with people like you.

Join the movement for a progressive India!

NGO Details
  • Website
  • Joined
    28th Jun, 2018
  • Employees Involved
  • Volunteers Working with us

Contact Details

  • Door no. 811, First Floor, Suite No.587, 100 Feet Road, Indiranagar, Bangalore 38
  • 8095452382
  • info@jhatkaa.org