About us
Indian National Portage Association (INPA) is a Non-Profit, Professional, Educational, Non-Government, Voluntary Organization with Headquarters at Chandigarh, India. It is an affiliate of International Portage Association, USA.
INPA is an action oriented, research services based Organization, dedicated to the welfare children 'at-risk' of developmental delays / learning disabilities / mental retardation and welfare of the women / families.
INPA has Zonal Representatives all over the country, to promote the Portage movement and offer Portage services as well as Early Intervention Services to the children with special needs. However, for the past few years, INPA is spreading its wings for many more activities including starting new courses, recognized by international and / or national bodies.
Aims & Objectives of INPA
INPA is mainly dedicated to helping normalize children with or at risk of developmental delays, learning disabilities and mental retardation as well as helping their families and also offer special need-based education and training for other segments of society.
It is primarily based on the premises that more than simple humanitarian care is required for such children and that Portage Home/Institution/Center Based Services and other Programs can meet this need. Its aims and objectives would help promote the National Policy of Education (1986) which lays stress on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programs through family and community involvement. It also promotes aims and objectives of other National Bodies such as Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), etc for providing Education/Special Education/Human Resource Development and Services to special groups of children.

Causes we work on
- Children & Youth
- Education
Joined06th Jun, 2017
Employees Involved0
Volunteers Working with us
NGO URLhttp://www.inpa.org.in
Contact Details
- Karuna Sadan, First Floor, Room No. 14-15, Sector: 11-B, Chandigarh, Pin: 160011. INDIA
- 1722749994
- tehalkohli@gmail.com