Habitat For Humanity India

Habitat For Humanity India

New Delhi, Delhi, India

About us

Providing house construction, renovation and repairs across India. Improving access to clean drinking water as well as suppoting construction of sanitation facilities. We also provide educational programs on hygiene and sanitation practices. We enhance disaster response, preparedness and mitigation. We facilitate and provide emegency shelter kits, permanent house repairs and reconstruction following natural calamities. We aim to substantially increase the number of sanitation units provided to houselholds and schools by 2015. As well as serving more of the population in providing housing by 2020.

Causes we work on

  • Welfare of War Veterans
  • Women
  • Contingency
  • Impact Assessment

Why work with us

The work of Habitat is anchored on the pronciple that housing is a critical foundation for breaking the cycle of poverty. Decent housing provides security, improves health, positively impacts education, provides greater economic opportunities and transforms communities. Working side by side with communities in building their homes, you will be helping them to rebuild their hopes for a better a future for thmeselves as families. Particularly and as well as empowering women and children.
NGO Details

Contact Details

  • Arun Lall (Admin)
  • "Habitat for Humanity India 16 , Pandit Pant marg,CNI Bhawan, New Delhi 110001"
  • 9899426550
  • ritwiks@hfhindia.org