ProjectHeena is an online platform where awesome volunteers and experts can connect with people who require their help in doing various projects. Volunteers like Haritha help us create a better world and showcase their skills.

Haritha Saravanan

System Engineer, CSS Corp | Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

About Me

Myself Haritha Saravanan,Currently working as a Systems Engineer in "CSS CORP PVT LMD" in MEPZ Tambaram. If I have given an Opportunity to volunteer myself in Smile foundation,I would feel great to work under the following areas "Children for Children,Mission education,twin e-learning programs,Bank works.My fine opinion to the world is that ,Every individual who are working in other areas also must take part in Social welfare for the society especially in Women empowermen,Child labour and poverty to make our India as Great and Responsible .


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Preferred Cause

Children & Youth Disabled Education Elderly Poverty & Hunger Women