About us
The aid and care provided to the children on both a residential and non-residential basis includes food, clothing, shelter, personal supplies, medical care, education, education supplies, counselling, and initial job placement.This initial aim is to enable the children to pursue and complete their educations to as high a level as they desire and are capable of achieving. The final goal is for the children to enter into good occupations, become fully self reliant, and become beneficial members of the society as well as country.

Causes we work on
- Water & Sanitation
Joined23rd Jan, 2015
Employees Involved25
Volunteers Working with us
NGO URLhttp://www.childaidfoundation.org
Contact Details
- Ajay Malik (Admin)
- C.A.F. Road, Patamatalanka, Vijayawada, A.P., 520014
- 9700330075
- email@childaidfoundation.org