About us
Aim and objectsA-To undertake promote assist or engage in all kinds of research and development work.
B-to stablish,development maintain and grant aid in cashor kind the family planing projects and Hospitals Nursing institution, Medical and dental collage,dispensaryes ,Maternity homes,Child welfare centers aqnd or other institutionsrelated with any branch of the medical science in India for the benefit and use of the general public.
h-to copnduct Skill, Enterpreneurship and Management centers of various type of job oriented incomegeneration projects......................

Causes we work on
- All Type
Joined11th Mar, 2019
Employees Involved5
Volunteers Working with us50
NGO URLhttp://bftindia.org
Contact Details
- 246,H.B.Road,Kokar,Ranchi-834001
- 9471945585
- bftranchi@gmail.com