ProjectHeena is an online platform where awesome volunteers and experts can connect with people who require their help in doing various projects. Volunteers like Avhijit help us create a better world and showcase their skills.

Avhijit Das

Awesome Volunteer, ProjectHeena | Kolkata, West Bengal, India

About Me

In the year 1998, a group of eminent Ophthalmologists founded Susrut Eye Foundation & Research Centre
with a motto to eradicate blindness and make this world a beautiful place to those who are still in darkness. Today, Susrut is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to provide advanced treatment for all eye diseases under one roof and that for all section of urban and rural people at an affordable cost.
Optom. Avhijt Das.Head-Low Vision & Project ManagerSusrut Eye Foundation & Research CentreSaltlake-Kolkata.


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Arts, Culture & Sports Children & Youth Community Development