About us
• Objectives
Conducting and disseminating studies relating to India's economic and social development with special reference to their interaction with environmental factors. Details of Committee members may be seen at www.aedr.org
Research Projects
1. “Alternative Strategy of Industrialization: A Trade Model of Growth” consultancy assignment from, Govt. of Nagaland.
2. A pilot study on “the role of Nagaland in the North-East trade corridor”.
3. “Trade Prospects in the SAARC Region” sponsored by the Indian Council for South Asian Studies (ICSAS).
4. "An Alternative Strategy of Industrialisation for the North East: A Case Study of Assam.". sponsored by IDRC,
5. Long-term project under the Baba Sahib Ambedkar Hastashilpa Vikas Yojana funded by the Ministry of Textiles, GOI
6. Social and Educational Impact of Deer Parks and Zoos” sponsored by Central Zoo Authority, India
7. Two research projects on environmental problems in Delhi funded by the Delhi Administration.
• “Industrial Pollution: A Study of the Policy Options for Delhi”.
• “Rain Water Harvesting: A Costing and Extension Study”.
8. Outreach programs creating sensitivity on WTO issues in India entrusted by the British High Commission, Delhi.
9. “The Impact of Indian RTAs on the Manufacturing Sector” commissioned by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India
10. Special focus on the North-east India

Causes we work on
- Children & Youth
- Education
- Environment
- Poverty & Hunger
- Reducing Inequality
- Skill Development & Livelihood
- Water & Sanitation
- Women
Joined05th Apr, 2019
Employees Involved0
Volunteers Working with us
Contact Details
- 6078/4, 1st Floor, Santushti Apartment, Vasant Kunj
- 9810740114
- aedr1997@gmail.com