About us
Association for Leprosy Education,
Rehabilitation and Treatment-India (ALERT-INDIA) works in 14 Districts of
Maharashtra, for leprosy control through the following methods: Creating Awareness: ALERT-INDIA conducts regular exhibitions, slide shows, awareness campaigns among different section of the society, especially students, to dispel misconceptions associated with leprosy. Special education programmes are organised for students, teachers who can effectively spread scientific facts about leprosy and counter irrational fear in additional to school surveys. Detection: Special drives are organized to detect new cases in the community. Treatment: Patients are given treatment, counselling and physiotherapy services free of cost in special clinics where besides medication, services like skin smear facility for establishing diagnosis are also provided. Deformity Control: Various types of deformities are corrected and protected with aids and appliances. For patients with early deformities, services like muscle stimulation, pre-fabricated splints, and special MCR (micro cellular rubber) footwear are produced and supplied at concessional rates. Rehabilitation: Helps patients to find their place in the family and in the community and become contributing members of the society. A special sponsorship programme assists the education of the children affected by leprosy and children of leprosy patients. Training: Training and workshop sessions are conducted for personnel like doctors, nurses and paramedical personnel to further educate them on diagnosis and treatment of leprosy. Study and Research: The Central Registry and Epidemiological Monitoring Unit do documentation of LEAP activities and monitors key epidemiological indicators. Also undertakes specific studies to assess the impact of interventions by ALERT-INDIA & Partners . |

Causes we work on
Awards won
- Best Social Service Insitution Award - 2011 by 'Nave Shehar'
Why work with us
Joined29th Apr, 2015
Employees Involved283
Volunteers Working with us10
NGO URLhttp://www.alertindia.org
Contact Details
- ProjectHeena Operations (Admin)
- 9820347774
- alertveera@gmail.com