ProjectHeena is an online platform where awesome volunteers and experts can connect with people who require their help in doing various projects. Volunteers like Aakash help us create a better world and showcase their skills.

Aakash Jha

Awesome Volunteer, Project Heena | New Delhi, Delhi, India

About Me

I am looking forward to contribute to the society in the best possible way. I would love to contribute in the fields of malnutrition, illiteracy, environment, health and fitness, poverty and hunger. I had this vision of serving to the society since my childhood but never had much opportunity to do so. I truly believe if the youth start contributing for the welfare of the society and took it as our serious responsibility we can really inspire other folks also to do the same. We cannot change it overnight but collectively effective efforts can bring major changes that our society needed.


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Aakash is yet to Contribute on ProjectHeena. Why not seek help from him/her and ask to collaborate on your task.

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    No Tasks Created So Far
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Preferred Cause

Animal Welfare Children & Youth Health Care Skill Development & Livelihood Water & Sanitation