This task is currently Open

Record video lectures for students with disabilities

Create learning aids for students who are from different age groups and have physical and/or intellectual disabilities. These video resources can help them learn better.

  1. Specific modules will be shared with you.
  2. Create video tutorials in basic/ simple English
  3. You can explain concepts in any of these languages Kannada, Telugu, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Gujarati to make it easier to understand as these students are from rural areas.
  4. You can be as creative as you want to make the modules appealing and interesting
  5. You could add more content to it if you think there is something missing
  6. Examples would be appreciated
  7. You can also add subtitles, to make it accessible for hearing-impaired students.
  8. Ensure you are in a noise-free place to record the content.
  9. Save the file name on your device as grade_subject topic _language _your name | name of the topic _language_yourname

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Task Statistics

  • Status
    Task is Open
  • Duration(Hours)
    Min: 12   |   Max: 20
  • Location
  • People Required
    Min: 50   |   Max: 150
  • Task timeline

    This is continuous task, without any start or end date. You can join right away and start doing good.
  • External Links


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TATA Capital

Several times you will be involved in activities where you are directly working for a social cause with the beneficiary. While we always have volunteering tasks created by or for NGOs, we realized the need of a 'social work' account where an initiative is taken

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