ProjectHeena is an online platform where awesome volunteers and experts can connect with people who require their help in doing various projects. Volunteers like Souvik help us create a better world and showcase their skills.

Souvik Khamrui

Awesome Volunteer, Jindal Steel And Power | New Delhi, Delhi, India

About Me

Would like to work for socio-economical up-liftment of the downtrodden people of the society, social justice & creating equal opportunity for all.


CDI Youth Mentor for Developing Community Youth Leaders

Dear Souvik, We thank you for your support to CDI in extending mentorship and social, emotional & life skills training to young adults. I and everyone at TEAM CDI are very happy to have you impart these important life skills to our future leaders. We look forward to partnering with you again very soon. Thank You once again for your invaluable support. Best Regards, Santosh V. Kalyani TEAM Principal Character Development Initiative

Donated: 5 Hours

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Preferred Cause

Arts, Culture & Sports Children & Youth Community Development