ProjectHeena is an online platform where awesome volunteers and experts can connect with people who require their help in doing various projects. Volunteers like Shraddha help us create a better world and showcase their skills.

Shraddha Kalani

Awesome Volunteer, ProjectHeena | Pune, Maharashtra, India

About Me

I have excellent communication skills, I am very friendly and lively and enjoy interacting with it of any age group.. with Hi5 club, I have spent time with the kids as well as old people. With kids, I know they are the future like I am and hence they need the right direction. If given a chance, I have the ability to build in confidence and motivate them. Also, I believe in entrepreneurship for the development and growth of the nation and I feel that I can be good at helping start ups and any of the activities involving entrepreneurship skills.


Games and activities for children 2

Thanks Shraddha for conducting various games & other activites for kids

Donated: 4 Hours

My Tasks

Shraddha is yet to Contribute on ProjectHeena. Why not seek help from him/her and ask to collaborate on your task.

Profile Completion Score



  • Hours Given
    4 Hours
  • Tasks Created
    No Tasks Created So Far
  • Karma Points

Preferred Cause

Arts, Culture & Sports Children & Youth Community Development