ProjectHeena is an online platform where awesome volunteers and experts can connect with people who require their help in doing various projects. Volunteers like Rajasi help us create a better world and showcase their skills.
About Me
Quality Auditor by Profession; Biotechnologist by education. Inclined towards Music and love to travel and meet new people

Creativity module for mental development and well-being
Rajasi was extremely enthusiastic, proactive in conducting various activities, wanted to learn more about the cause and had a friendly disposition. We appreciate the quality time she spent at Advitya and look forward to more such dedicated people.
Donated: 3 HoursMy Tasks
Rajasi is yet to Contribute on ProjectHeena. Why not seek help from him/her and ask to collaborate on your task.
Profile Completion Score
- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Female
- 41
- Available on : Weekdays Time : Morning
- Contact User by sending an Email
Hours Given3 Hours
Tasks CreatedNo Tasks Created So Far
Karma Points0