ProjectHeena is an online platform where awesome volunteers and experts can connect with people who require their help in doing various projects. Volunteers like Raghavendran help us create a better world and showcase their skills.

Raghavendran Gauthaman

Awesome Volunteer, TATA Capital | Hyderabad, Telangana, India

About Me

Thanks for giving the opportunity to serve the society and community ..Interested in giving and imparting knowledge to develop in students life and how to act according to the situations and pressures in life on academics and choose right path from early days of life after the education .
Work towards a better tomorrow for the younger generations .
Giving time in developing the environment and surroundings in the colonies we live keeping them clean and neat .


TVW10 - Joy of Giving Donation - Hyderabad

thank you for the time provided in volunteering for such a noble cause. we look forward to having you for several such social initiative in future.

Donated: 1 Hours
Tree Plantation Drive, Hyderabad

thank you for the time provided in volunteering for such a noble cause. we look forward to having you for several such social initiative in future.

Donated: 3 Hours

My Tasks

Raghavendran is yet to Contribute on ProjectHeena. Why not seek help from him/her and ask to collaborate on your task.

Profile Completion Score



  • Hours Given
    4 Hours
  • Tasks Created
    No Tasks Created So Far
  • Team
  • Karma Points

Preferred Cause

Children & Youth Community Development Education Environment Health Care Skill Development & Livelihood